Scrappy Broth: Turn veggie scraps into a flavourful broth for soups and stews

Leftover Remix: Get creative with leftovers to minimize food waste.

Imperfect is Perfect: Choose odd-shaped, affordable fruits and veggies.

Meal Planning: Plan meals and make a list to avoid unnecessary purchases.

Pantry Rediscovery: Use forgotten pantry items to minimize waste.

Local and Seasonal: Support local farmers for fresher, tastier produce and reduced emissions.

Compost Scraps: Turn inedible scraps into nutrient-rich garden soil.

Citrus Multi-Use: Use citrus peels for cleaning, candying, or zesty spice blends.

Reusables Rule: Switch to reusable options like dishcloths and silicone containers.

Zero-Waste Shopping: Choose package-free options at zero-waste stores, bringing your own containers.