Keep Carbs in Check: Aim for a daily carb intake between 20-50 grams.

Embrace Healthy Fats: Choose sources like avocados, olive oil, and nuts for your fat intake.

Balance Protein: Include quality proteins such as meat, fish, and eggs in your meals.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially since the keto diet can make you lose more fluids.

Add Fibre to Your Plate: Make sure to include non-starchy veggies and low-carb fruits for a fibre boost.

Plan Your Meals: Stay on track by planning your meals ahead to avoid reaching for high-carb options.

Watch for Sneaky Carbs: Be mindful of hidden sugars and starches in processed foods by checking labels.

Mind Your Electrolytes: Maintain a balance by ensuring you get enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Listen to Your Body: Patience is key; some people might feel a bit off initially, known as the "keto flu."

Get Professional Advice: Consult with healthcare or nutrition experts for personalized guidance.