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Is Keto Right for You? Breaking Down the Keto Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid in this Trendy Diet

What is a keto diet?

What is a keto diet?

A Keto diet is an eating plan that comprises a low-carb and high-fat diet plan.

It creates a state for the body where eating less than 50g of carbs per day puts the body in the state of Ketosis.

Ketosis is a metabolic state where our body uses the fat for required energy in place of glucose which was getting used from carbs earlier.

It is a diet plan or you can call it a way of adjusting your diet plan in a way where you have to follow a low-carb and high-fat diet to achieve the full Benefits of a keto diet.

What foods are in a keto diet?

What foods are in a keto diet?

In the keto diet, it is important to know the type of foods and their nutrients to maintain your diet.

The foods that are suggested in the keto diet are all the foods that contain fat in higher quantities.

You have to consume high fat and protein diet like meat, eggs, low-carb foods, nuts, etc.

These are some of the foods that contain high fat and protein. They are necessary to provide energy to the body.

They help provide energy to the body when you are not consuming sufficient carbs and because of ketosis, it will help you to lose fat.

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What are the basic rules of a keto diet?

What are the basic rules of a keto diet?

There are some rules in the keto diet to follow to achieve its benefits. Let’s know about those rules in detail.

  • The most important rule of a keto diet is to lower your carb intake to 50 g per day. You have to avoid grains and starchy vegetables.
  • You have to avoid sugar in any form( sweets, juice, fruits, or candies) in the keto diet. You also have to avoid most fruits as they contain high sugar.
  • You have to add fats to your diet when you are on a keto diet. By not taking carbs you have to add fats to provide energy to the body and then ketosis takes place for the process of fat loss.
  • It is also important to take protein-rich foods during keto so that muscle loss does not take place.

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What are the top 10 keto foods?

Here are the top 10 keto foods that you can add to your keto diet:

  1. Meat
  2. Eggs
  3. Dairy products
  4. Fish
  5. Nuts
  6. Avocados
  7. Low-carb vegetables
  8. Seeds
  9. Coconut water
  10. Cheese

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What food is not allowed in keto?

What food is not allowed in keto?

When following the keto diet it is important to know about what food to take but it is equally important to know about What food is not allowed in keto.

Let me tell you about the food that you must avoid.

In the Keto diet, you have to avoid foods with high carbs like grains, sugar drinks, starch, etc.

Fruits and vegetables are the daily life part of almost everyone’s diet but most of them also contain high sugar and starch.


  • The Keto diet is very helpful in weight loss as it is responsible for the process of Ketosis in our body. In ketosis, our body uses fats for the energy that our body requires.
  • The Keto diet has also shown positive effects on improving brain function which is very good for everyone along with fat loss.
  • The Keto diet helps us to get unaddicted of caffeine drinks that contain sugar and caffeine in high amounts which just give a short boost of energy and promotes drowsiness in the long run.


  • The Keto diet is very difficult for people like me who have been consuming a high-carb diet since childhood. For such people, the keto diet has shown very bad effects like weakening, headaches, and health-related issues.
  • In the keto diet, it is challenging to get enough vitamins and minerals for the body. The body needs a certain amount of them daily and the keto diet has failed in it.
  • For some people, the keto diet has also been a reason for bone weakening, heart problems, and nutrient deficiency.
  • Due to less carbs, our body cannot get sufficient amount of fiber which can damage our digestive system in the long run.

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Is keto a healthy diet?

I have told you about all the pros and cons of the keto diet. The Keto diet is proven very good in fat loss due to the Ketosis process.

It is easily applicable to your diet schedule.

With the benefits your body also has to make compromises like less carbs which results in digestion-related issues for some people.

If you are the kind of person who is habitual of a high-carb diet then it is advisable to take low-carb foods with your keto plan.

If you are taking low-carb foods with your keto plan then it is good but if you are not taking any carbs with your keto diet then it may not be healthy for you.

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What are the bad side effects of a keto diet?

What are the bad side effects of a keto diet?

The Keto diet is bad for those people who are not habitual of low-carb foods in their daily lives.

Here are some bad Side Effects of a Keto Diet:

  • Low carbs can lead to less fiber content which can have bad effects on your digestive system.
  • Due to a deficiency of nutrients like vitamins and minerals, a keto diet can result in many health-related problems.
  • The Keto diet has shown some very negative effects on some people like heart problems, bone weakness, and kidney stones.
  • At the start of the week, the keto diet can cause laziness, headaches, and weakness in the body.

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