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12 Foods That May Help With Muscle Cramps

Muscle Cramps are the contraction of muscles in our body. Most time muscle cramps occur in the thigh or calves.

They generally occur because of Low hydration in the body.

Excess exercise can also lead to muscle cramps.

They can be treated in many ways and some foods can help with muscle cramps.

So, today I am going to tell you about 12 foods that may help with muscle cramps one by one and discuss them below.

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

1. Avocado

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Avocados contain high potassium and electrolytes which promote smoother function of muscles.

It contains antioxidants which also protect our cells from any radical damage.

Avocados also contain high magnesium which boosts muscle function and due to richness in fiber which promotes digestive health and helps in the easy absorption of food that we eat that benefits our muscles and bones. You can read more about the Health Benefits of Avocado Here.

2. Coconut water

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Coconut water is one of the best sources to provide hydration to our bodies.

It is a very good source of electrolytes and helps to avoid muscle cramps.

Coconut water is easily available and contains natural sugars which are healthy and easily digestible for most people.

Important electrolytes like magnesium, sodium, and potassium are the ones that prevent any muscle cramps in the body.

3. Banana

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Bananas are the most easily available food/fruit for muscle cramps.

It is rich in potassium which is the most important mineral for dealing with muscle cramps.

It provides energy because it contains carbohydrates which also prevent certain cramps.

Eating bananas also relaxes our muscles and improves digestion.

4. Beet greens

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Beet greens are rich in many vitamins and minerals.

It is rich in vitamins A, C, potassium, and magnesium which are necessary to deal with muscle cramps.

Beet greens are rich in fiber which helps our digestive system to digest essential nutrients easily to get full of them and benefit our muscle functions.

5. Watermelon

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

You will be amazed to know how useful watermelon can be in the situation of muscle cramps.

Watermelon contains more than 90% water which hydrates our body.

Watermelon also contains potassium and magnesium which are necessary electrolytes.

It also boosts energy in the body and coolness in the body. Watermelon prevents dryness which is also the reason that it prevents muscle cramps.

6. Yogurt

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Yogurt is one of the foods that help with muscle cramps.

It contains electrolytes which are necessary for muscle function and deal with muscle cramps.

Yogurt also contains protein and little sugar which is beneficial for strong muscles and good energy levels in the body.

7. Papaya

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Papaya is suggested by doctors to all people who are suffering from stomach ailments because it contains many essential nutrients. It also contains papain enzyme which helps in digestion.

Papaya also contains electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium which deal with muscle cramps. Papaya is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which is beneficial for muscles and cells.

8. Sweet potatoes

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and antioxidants which are helpful to make digestion strong absorb nutrients easily and protect cells and muscle tissues.

Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, which are the electrolytes that prevent muscle cramps and make muscle function easy.

9. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and Seeds are high in protein which helps in muscle building and repairing muscle tissues which directly helps in gaining strong and functional muscles.

They are also rich in healthy fats which also provide support to energy levels.

Almonds, peanuts, cashews, flax seeds, and chia seeds are some of the examples of nuts and seeds that are rich in magnesium also which prevent muscle cramps.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain oxalic acid which is helpful for our body and should be consumed in moderate quantity.

Tomatoes are rich in water content which is very important for hydration in the body and prevents all types of muscle cramps.

They also contain electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and most importantly calcium which combine with oxalic acid which helps prevent muscle cramps.

11. Milk

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Milk contains calcium and protein in good amounts. Calcium is an important electrolyte that is good for preventing muscle cramps and protein makes muscle strong and repairs tissues.

Milk is also a good hydrating source for our body. Many other dairy products are there that also help with muscle cramps.

12. Oranges

12 Foods That Prevent You From Muscle Cramps

Oranges are rich in vitamin C and water content.

Oranges not only benefit our skin and immunity but also prevent muscle cramps because of their high water content.

Oranges also contain anti-inflammatory properties which reduce inflammation in muscles and prevent muscle cramps.

Vitamin C also reduces the soreness of our muscles which helps to deal with muscle cramps.

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